Dear bby,

I’m so sorry bby I’m prayed and cried for you for years you would’ve been 9 weeks today I know we were not meeting any time soon but you brought me so much peace and I was finally happy one of the toughest days I knew I had you and I didn’t even care it was bc of you I’m tryin to be strong but it’s hard I’ve been asking God for you for so long and after 2 weeks of finding out he took you away I will never understand why😪 I love you so much please send me your brother or sister to take this pain away I blame myself you was doing so well how could I lose my strong bby? Everybody thought I was having twins you were doing so good I am hurting I blame myself every day God please hear me please I’m barely holding on..I don’t want to do anything but cry mommy and daddy loves you I’m sorry