Endometriosis diagnosis


Good morning, I just wanted to share my story and hopefully help someone on their journey. I started my period when I was 12 and over the years my cramps got really bad to where I was curled up in a ball on the floor crying. At age 16 due to painful periods and acne my doctor put me on birth control. 9 years later my husband and I are ready to have kids. so 8 months ago I went off birth control and we have been trying since with no luck. The problem is my periods have been so painful, it literally feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife and turning it while it's in my body. my lower back hurts, I have pressure in my rectum area before I start and during, sex is painful sometimes. My mom told me that I should talk to my doctor about endo, so I did and he said I probably have endo. I have a pelvic exam next week to see if there could be any cysts and my doctor also wanted my husband to get tested and make sure his sperm count is good before i have the surgery. I am just relieved that there is a reason that I have so much pain. So if anyone experiences symptoms of endo please talk to your doctor.