Site population holds a skewed sample?

I am pregnant for the first time.

This app has helped me track and record better than any I’ve come across.

However the community portion also makes me SO ANXIOUS.

My SO wants me OFF THE APP because I obsessively worry about miscarriage/ missed miscarriage. I just had an U/S Friday, perfect measurements, perfect heart rate. The dr said I have a happy kiddo in there.

Yet, I worry. And worry, and worry.

Because I see constant stories here about loss and tragedy either past or present.

Also when telling people in person, I get the tragic stories of miscarriage and loss. Out of 50 people told, I had 3 that didn’t mention loss/mc.

Yet research shows at 10 weeks miscarriage rates are at only 2-3%.

So what’s the deal?

Why do I feel like staying pregnant is actually the exception instead of the rule here?