Why do I bleed everytime i have sex??

L • Mommy to two boys and a little girl 💕

let me start from the beginning in hopes one of you lovely ladies has an answer or similar situation. It all really started around February 17 when my SO came home from basic. We had some pretty rough sex and right after i bled quite a bit. It was alarming at first but it stopped after about 5 minutes. Fast forward 2 weeks I found out I was pregnant (I have mirena IUD btw). 2 days later I had a miscarriage (I was EXTREMELY early on). I bled for about 3 days and thats it. Now ever since all this I bleed slightly after sex. every time. Its usually very light only when i use the restroom. but now im starting to get concerned. I have no pain during or after sex just blood..(I was tested for std's,yeast, and bv a week before i found out i was pregnant and everything was clear)