Tubal Ligation Day ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‰


Just wanted to share. Finally got my tubes tied!!!! I thought I wouldnโ€™t be totally put under but I was. Had a breathing tube and everything. They put meds in my IV. I remember being wheeled somewhere in the bed. Next thing I kno Iโ€™m waking up with a sore throat and a lil belly pain....IT WAS OVER!!!

Ate a few crackers and a smoothie when I got home just so I could take the pain meds they prescribed. Jus a lil discomfort not real pain. They did say it would hurt more tomorrow. Guess that means Iโ€™ll be taking another day off work. Got my kids and hubs on active duty while I do absolutely nothin.

Happy tubal day to me!!!!!