PCOS and Endometriosis why me?

Ali • Dude, I like jokes and stuff. I honestly do love when warm sheets come out of a dryer, and I love that when I type one of these it sounds like a dating ad. 🤘🏽🥑

Hey ladies! So I used to be a nice slim 170, well for me that was slim, and since I have found out I have PCOS or (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,) I’ve gained 100 pounds. 100 and it’s all from me having too much testosterone. I eat healthy and I exercise daily. Habits haven’t changed. It’s extremely downing. I’m having a hard time convincing myself I’m worth being with. My boyfriend is very handsome, kinda like the you gotta look twice handsome. 👀 He’s extremely fit and I feel like a tree stump next to him it’s unfortunate. I wanted to know if any of you have struggled with your hair falling out, facial hair, and having cyst on your ovaries? I also wanted to know if any of you have any exercising or continual foods y’all use to slim down? I dont want to be skinny (there’s nothing wrong with skinny) I just want to be my, “fit” and feel comfortable in my own skin. Dude, if you have this PCOS stuff I get it, it’s a serious strug all the pain, and honestly it so so so difficult to lose weight. I’ve done almost everything you can think of. Ladies, give me your input. Anyone really who wants to share. Let me know!