To start off id like to ask for the least negative comment you can give. And also to not be judged. I love my baby girl and I’d do anything for her and i would never intentionally hurt her.

I was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum my first trimester. To sum the definition of the condition up i was EXTREMELY sick my first and second trimester of my pregnancy. I lost 30lbs and was treated for dehydration 4 times. Now that I’m in my 3rd trimester it has subsided tremendously. None of the medications worked they gave me so i resulted to smoking pot just to get out of the bed most days.

I am on Medicaid and was drug tested for marijuana at my 30 week check up and of course i failed. However i haven’t smoked in over a month. DSS was notified and i now have an open case in SOUTH CAROLINA. I am terrified that they are going to try and take my baby girl from her father and i. We both had to take hair drug test and we know for sure he failed his because he’s a daily smoker and of course i failed mine because i just failed it at the dr.

Any ladies that live in SOUTH CAROLINA have any clue how this is going to play out for us? Just to put our minds at ease I know she will pass her urine test because like i states it’s been well over a month for me but i know she will most likely fail her meconium test since it goes so far back. I can’t sleep most nights now from worry and it’s making me very depressed and emotional. I just need to know what to expect.

Again women who have experience or know of anything about SOUTH CAROLINA DSS will be greatly appreciated.