Update from the doctors!!!

Zara • 21. just trying to make sense of it all.

so it turns out that i was right... i do have PMDD. and it has been ruining my life ever since i had a period. when i was younger, i thought i was supposed to feel like complete and utter shit from the time you ovulate until the menses start. so thats what ive been going thru since i was 12. having severe negative reactions to the changes in the hormones in my body. constant mood swings, tons of anxiety to the point where it shows on my face at work and my boyfriend says im never the same anymore... well i got my diagnosis and i am so relieved. im just happy that im not crazy and that there’s hope for me. they have me on an SSRI (serotonin inhibitors basically) and honestly im nervous. ive never been prescribed something before. they said the biggest side effect is low sex drive and thats what im most afraid of bc i went to the doctor so i can get better so we can have MORE intimacy... but i guess this is the road to recovery...