
Can I just rant for a second? What kind of people can look someone dead in the face and lie? what kind of people can say "I love you best friend" and "your my best friend forever" then go and talk shit? You think I won't find out? you think I'm still gonna be your "best friend"? How dumb can you possibly be. You walk around school acting like your some amazing popular person. NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU. you use people and when your done with them you throw them away. your a chameleon. you change your colors to attract someone and then you use them and throw them away. Then on top of everything else you go after my man?!? are you crazy? you know I'm protective over whats mine and I don't stand for that shit. You always said you hate fake people then you must really hate yourself because you are the fakest person I have ever met. Your an attention whore. AND how could I forget the best part. you tried to fight me on school campus. You know damn well I would beat your ass but never will I fight on campus. so I let you hit me abd I didn't touch you at all. Then you go around saying you beat my ass. Just shut your fake ass up. I ignore you and never talk about you and I never talk to you. Your still talking shit. LET IT GOOOOO. STOP TALKING SHIT. STOP TRYONG TO GET UNDER MY SKIN.I will never stoop to your level.

ok I'm done ranting. I had to get that out I haven't told anyone that and it all built up