Have You Seen Love, Simon Yet?!

Brittney • Hi

This is going to be a long post. NO SPOILERS. I went and saw Love, Simon. An amazing movie about an amazing thing. It was sad, heartwarming, funny and all around an incredible film. The people who made it did such a good job, words can't explain how amazing the actors, directors and everyone else was. The music was incredible as well, considering I've been a long time Bleachers and Troye Sivan fan. I cried so much, over the sad parts, and the best parts. I'm crying right now while righting this. This movie is a must see for everyone. The way his family excepts him for being gay was so amazing. The way his friends excepted him for being gay was incredible. Everything. Was. Incredible. This movie is such a good way to announce the LGBTQ+ community, it's just, so... True. They have their difficulties, they have their ups and downs, but their still them. They are still the same. Just like Simon was still Simon. Again, this was an amazing movie and I recommend it to everyone. Take some time out to go watch it. Because everyone deserves a good love story. Love, Brittney.

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