Purple Crying


Okay mommies I need help. I get there’s nothing else I can do to try to get her to stop but I need new ideas on tips of trying to sooth my daughter. I try just about everything I know. I don’t have a baby swing because it’s a little tight on money. My husband is trying everything to but she just cries more because she wants mommy but the only thing I can do so far to get her to calm down is this....

Yes that’s my Adora in her floaty in our tub at 3am in the morning. I don’t sleep as it is and I’m running on E. Its 4:23am my husband comes home from work at 6:30 and I’m just now going to bed. I’ve been up since noon and I really need tips on what other mommies have done to try to get their purple child to settle down.

UPDATE: I finally found something that works for now. Her bouncer vibrates and I didn’t even know it cuz we didn’t have batteries for it. But it’s weird because her bassinet vibrates and she hates that.