Cycle Buddies!? 🌈April Positives; bring Christmas Miracles?! 🎁


April marks 1 year Since I fell pregnant and miscarried 8 weeks later. I've been TTC for well over a year now and it just feels like an eternity. Month after month of heartache and grief. Why can't it be me already?!

Every month I'd used opks. But I have stopped because they are stressful to me, this would be my second month not using them. So, I'm relying on my <a href="">Glow App</a> and will try to BD every day in my fertile week!

According to Glow AF NOT welcome April 18th! Which means if this is the month I conceive It would be a Christmas Miracle 😇

My birthday is on Christmas Day how cool would it be sharing the same day with your child? ! 😙😇

Ladies: Let's Share each other's stories and hope we all bring light to one another, try and stay positive! I know it's a cliche when they say your time will come. But hopes and prayers do keep us strong!

Baby Dust 🌈💫⭐🌟