One day negative the next day Was Posotive!!!

Natasha • Second baby on the way, I am Blessed♡♡♡
All I can say is don't give up if u get a negative preg test. Try testing again In a day or too. I got my posotive 10 days past Ovulating but at 9 days past it was negative, I was so sad I was just goin crazy thinking I wasn't pregnant. Then I got my posotive that I knew I should have got. It's true what they say about testing to early. So Wednesday was negative and Thursday was light posotive then 4 days later on Monday I missed my period :) yay!!!! Now that makes me 4 weeks pregnant. My last period was may 18th and period missed was June 15th. I'm hoping it's a girl since I have a 3 yr old Boy. He will be the best big brother ever. Even missing my period it still don't feel real till the belly starts getting round :) wishing for a peaceful pregnancy my baby will be due after Valentines day. Wow! Can't believe it. Hope their are babies Galore god bless all if u gurls!!!!!!!!!!!