Baby shower: What to wear!


So I’m in a weird situation. I have a super weird relationship with my family, lots of ups and downs through the years, was kicked out as a teen for religious differences, my family is radically religious and have been very toxic since I was a child. Surprisingly, my mom has decided to throw me a family baby shower...nice, I think. But I’d posted this picture

on fb of the outfit I’d gotten for the shower (personally, I feel beautiful in the dress and I love my body), but my mother messaged me telling me I wasn’t allowed to wear it, because it showed the curves of my body too much. Note: there’s been a long history of body shaming, so this was just a drop in the bucket. This is the woman that ingrained into my mind that I was fat as a child and made me wear jeans that were six sizes too big for me, because she didn’t want anyone to see my shape or that I had a body in the first place. 🙄

Anyway, I’m not going to be bullied into buying another outfit and have decided to go casual, a typical no-no for any event she throws, she’s always very over the top fancy and flashy and I’m pretty sure she’s only doing this shower for recognition, but I digress... I mentioned to her that I’d be dressed casually and so then she offered to let me borrow one of her dresses (she’s a very large woman, at minimum ten sizes bigger than me, wears long, baggy dresses every day).🤭🤦‍♀️

I’m thinking heels, black leggings, striped shirt, and a cropped jean jacket. Does this sound okay? I’m finding myself having a lot of anxiety about this baby shower, which sounds so crazy, I know... If my kids weren’t so excited about making the trip to see their cousins, I’d cancel, but I can’t do that.

Can anyone post pics of what casual outfits you wore to your baby showers?