
I’m 10 weeks pregnant and I’m having really severe nausea, which is really really unbearable at this point. I can’t keep anything down yet I can’t throw up, but I try to eat what I feel won’t make me throw up.

Right now I’m also having very horrible cramps and I used a heating pad because the pain was so unbearable, but I did manage to sleep last night, which is when I started feeling the pain, but I just woke up a couple mins ago and I still feel the unbearable pain, and no I didn’t use the heating pad while asleep. It really didn’t help.

I checked the symptoms for miscarriages and it said I had to be bleeding but I’m not and I’m scared because I do occasionally get really sharp pains in my stomach every now and then. I have work in a couple hours too and don’t know if I should call in because i don’t want to make it into a big deal.

I don’t know if I need medical attention tbh because I don’t know if it’s really serious or it might just be regular cramping and I’m just different.