Would you or have you ever left your child’s father for financial reasons? Read first!

I am not married to my child’s father and we have had a very rocky relationship since the start. We do love eachother, but times are extremely difficult. As in we could lose everything and are barely surviving. We have only been together for about 15 months and have a 4 month old son together. I am only in my early twenties and he is in his mid thirties. He has yet to get his life together and works two serving jobs. We had to move out of California to the south just to make It (cheaper living costs). But we have no friends or family here so I have to stay home with our son and don’t have the option to go to work. We have one car (I had It before I met him) and we share It now. It’s only in my name. Before I met him I had hardly any debt and was financially stable on my own with a great credit score. He has put me in so much debt and he has terrible credit so he relies on using my credit for anything. Now he can’t pay for any of It and we are behind on everything from car payments, to electric bills to credit card payments. I feel so stuck because I can’t just go get a job myself to feel more in control. Both of our accounts are negative and we only have good because of food stamps. I feel so low. I’ve never in my life dealt with such financial troubles until I met him. I feel like he has turned my life upside down.

And he also has another son who is 10 and he can’t even afford the child support for him.

My parents want me to leave but he is a good dad... I’m so torn. Please help with any advice you can give or tell me what you would do.

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