

Sorry for the long post. My daughter had a fall last week. And has been vomiting since. she cant even keep water down. I brought her to the clinic on my home town where they told me to go home and give her maalox to help fix the tear in her esophagus. so I did that. I sent her to school yesterday. and got a call saying to come get her. she was vomiting again. (mind you she hasnt been eating to well the last week) so my mommy instinct said to get a second opinion. so I took her to urgent care in the next town over where they did an x ray and ct scan. which showed a broken rib and a large hematoma in the small instestine. which was blocking anything from exiting her stomach. that is what was causing her to vomit. we are now at Rochester Hospital in MN. And will be here for at miniomum a week. if yall could could say a prayer for her that would be amazing