What do you think this is ?

I noticed this weird little lump on my 20-month-olds temple this afternoon.

It’s NOT bug season here...... there’s snow on the ground ! But we do have Lyme disease ticks when it’s warmer out.

He doesn’t have any food allergies that we know of ....... although yesterday I did find a completely undigested slice of tangerine in his diaper.

Which was odd. He eats tangerines all the time, and that’s the first undigested one I’ve ever seen. (He has had undigested bits of carrots and corn before, but only once or twice in his life.)

He has had a red, dry, eczema-like rash on his cheeks all winter. It gets redder when he’s teething. I have fighting it with various creams and moisturizers all winter, with little success.

Anyway I’m NOT looking to Glow to replace a dermatologist visit .......

But this bumpy thing only just showed up today, and I’m hoping it will disappear soon enough.

Maybe some mommas out there may recognize it??


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