Ttc pt opk bfn vvvvvvvvvfl 😐


Okay guys so a little back ground my husband and I have been married almost 2 years and we have been ttc for almost 3 months. so this month I some what tracked my ovulation (as in took one opk and was fl but definitely there on the 6th and cm checked out and my cervix was soft as well within the next few days when I thought I ovulated) and I think I ovulated the 11th and af isn’t due until the 25 but I took a pt on the 18th and bfn so I took one on the 22nd and the more I look the more it looks like an extremely vvvvfl and it’s a pink dye .. I feel like a freak I’m always peeing on a stick. I just want my bfp to come I just am a very impatient person😔 will test again on the 25 if af haven’t arrived. Also For about a week I was extremely hungry and had/have soar nipples and have felt bloated but no spotting and been getting dizzy spells and also one night (don’t remember which) I thought I was going to be sick like got clammy got hot and shakey (you know the whole 9 yards) but I never threw up. I honestly feel like I am but I don’t wanna say that and sound crazy. Also have had 3 dreams all in one night I got my BFP. Ugh. I just have to wait. And rant. 🤣 wish me luck guys. And baby dust to all who are ttc! And congrats to those who got their BFP. ❤️❤️