I just want a healthy baby.

Hello ladies. I’m in need of some reassurance/advice/support. I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant with my first baby. We tried for this baby for 6 months so we are over the moon.

My symptoms so far have been some slight nausea/morning sickness, sore nipples, fatigue, mood swings & cramping. Lots of achy cramps. It almost feels like my period is coming but obviously it never does.

The problem I’m having is that I’m SUCH a worry wart! Im constantly worried that my baby isn’t going to be healthy or that I’m not doing everything right. For example, last night I took a shower & while I was shaving I started to get hot & sweaty. I finished what I was doing & got out. Afterwards, I learned of the risks of over heating & the effects it can have on the baby’s neural tube. Now I’m panicky hoping to god my baby doesn’t have a defect because of me.

My stress levels have been high lately. I’m a high stress person as it is with a lot of anxiety & it’s only gotten worse with the hormones. My temper is unreasonable. I get very upset very quickly & I’m quick to lash out.

I feel a lot of guilt after having a mental breakdown because I worry about my unborn child & the effects stress can have. I worry that I don’t do things right, like eating enough or eating healthy enough, or taking a shower that was too hot, or taking a drag or two of a cigarette bc it’s just SO hard to quit cold turkey.

I guess I just need some reassurance that I’m overthinking & that my baby will be fine. I know cramps are normal as your body is growing to make room for baby, but I worry that the cramps are a sign something is wrong. Every time I use the bathroom I’m nervous there’s going to be blood. I just need some peace of mind. I know overthinking will only make things worse, so I’m trying to tell myself everything is fine, but maybe it’ll help to hear it from others.