10000% done being pregnant

I love pregnancy for the fact that I’m carrying this perfect little human that my husband and I created. But can I be honest and say that I’m so freaking done already. 35 weeks today and I’m literally counting down until I have this baby in my arms. My whole body hurts, I’m sick of not being able to bend over or get into my car without hurting my belly. Being able to roll over in bed without literally having to grab something and sit halfway up to move, literally peeing every 20 minutes with all of this water intake we’re supposed to do. Peeing my pants when I sneeze or cough. And now the exhaustion has kicked back in full and I can barely keep my eyes open at 12:30 pm (I work 4 am shifts, but regardless it sucks!). I’m so thankful that I’m pregnant with a healthy baby girl, but why does it seem like time has slowed way down now?

#rantover #justgimmemybaby