My Story

So everyone has a pregnancy story, and I love to read everyone’s path to motherhood. This is my story and the opinions noted are expressly my own.

My life was pretty good with a good job and good friends. Being single and having wanted to expand my horizons and move to North America, I decided in my down time that I would do some “window shopping” and check out the potential guys online. Let’s just say one cutie, a few messages and three days later I was no longer online dating!

1 year later we were married and after two years marriage I moved to live in the U.S. with him.

It was a long hard road not seeing my hubby for months at a time and then once in the U.S. he still did a lot of travelling for work. Needless to say after 2 State moves, 2 jobs, a house and a dog, there was still no baby!

We had all the tests done as we had both hit 35+, and we were in great shape, but still nothing. Then my company decided to close the site I worked at, but I was offered another State move which I accepted.

Hubby promised in Nov this year after the move and we had settled we could start trying <a href="">IVF</a>. I agreed! We haven’t really been trying for a while now.

Come Feb this year my brother visited that I had not seen in 3 years and then afterwards I had to go to Asia for two weeks for work. So was crazy busy!

Hubby came to Asia to visit while I was there and although my period was late, I thought maybe the jet lag and working U.S. hours could have delayed it. None the less I had a funny feeling and took the one pregnancy test I owned with me to India. I said to myself I would not use the test until I had missed a period by at least 2/3 days! I never said anything to hubby and after 2 days missed I took the test and I was shocked when it said Pregnant. It took me a moment to compose myself to tell him. When I told him I was shaking, he thought I was joking at first (and still says it’s not real until I miss two periods!!)

None the less, as everyone says as soon as you stop trying and worrying it will happen!

Also I have decided to take the relaxed stance on this my first and potentially only pregnancy. I’m super A type and controlling, but I know I just can’t be that person for my child and my own sanity!

I have an appointment booked for 10 weeks, didn’t really want to go before that, not that I’m not excited, but I just don’t want to be the helicopter parent even before this kid is born. If I miscarry I know it’s not meant to be and will try again. I want to be relaxed and do the best I can but not stress about everything, I really want to enjoy this precious time in my life.

I don’t want to find out the gender, as there are very few surprises left in life, and I certainly don’t want a creepy 3D image that looks nothing like my child! I just want to be chilled and go with the flow. Not everything has to be planned perfectly for it to be perfect! I want to give my child room to breathe and grow and not be smothered by my constant interference! (Although in a way I’m controlling not being controlling lol)

Congrats to all the Nov ‘18 moms, may we have a healthy, relaxed and joyful few months of pregnancy! And when in doubt, a nap fixes everything!