Is it completely done or am I overthinking ?

So i’ve been going on a few dates with this guy and we’ve hangout like 7 times. We’ve done mostly everything except sex. But anyways, i really do like him and i thought he liked me too. But i’m going across the county for a trip for a week and he knows this. We hung out monday and when I left he was like “when do i get to see you again, i wanna see you before your trip” And i texted him tuesday saying i can hang tonight and then he said okay. then i texted him that night and he’s like oh i’m still playing football so just go out. 🙄🙄🙄 Then i was like okay i can hang thursday and hes “i have church” and i just never responded. And I leave tonight and he never tried to reach out to see me so i’m upset. I’m only 20 so i’m not sure how all this casual dating is supposed to work. We’ve been talking for about almost a month now so i’m just confused. Does he not like me or is he over it ? Like why wouldn’t he talk to me or try to see me before I leave ?