TTC after coming of the pill

Irishtwink • Tuliisa

so I’m trying to conceive I’ve been off the pill coming up to a month now (cerrazette) I had my withdrawal bleed around 2/3 days after stopping and it’s light bleed lasted a few days then nothing. Started getting a little Nausea on and off (thats stopped now) Boobs where slightly tender and veiny and I had backache and cramps so I did I few early pregnancy tests which had what must have been Evap lines as I did a digital and then a normal test (the ones you use after you miss your period) and they when all negative. The I ended up with a pink watery tissue a little when I wiped (only once) and I’ve had nothing since although my boobs are sore and I’m still having lower backache and cramps on and off. I’m so confused! Any of you wonderful ladies had this and may know what it is?? I’m going with the whole not pregnant theory but still no period but have pregnancy symptoms 💔 help and advise would be amazing if anyone can offer some x