Over it


Anyone else’s husband and his family stress them out to the point they are just over it and ready to be a single parent? A husband is supposed to be your best friend and advocate and at this point I’m so frustrated with trying to get him to spend quality time together that I can’t even say I LIKE the person he is anymore. It’s bad. I’m sick of being so stressed out and having him just literally not care. 9 Months Pregnant and with a baby that I thought would NEVER happen- it should be the happiest time for me- I’m miserable. I wish I could afford to walk out. Any advice? Honestly- there is stress because he works for his parents and they are “denying paternity leave” - which I’m prepared to fight for on his behalf if necessary- but it’s causing stress on his part and then he shuts down and stays in his little man cave and doesn’t spend any time with “us”. When I finally convince him to spend time together- he pouts and acts pissy until I get literally so frustrated I push him away to go back and be by myself. Marriage is supposed to be hard. But not impossible. I’m just so defeated. I just don’t know if I can trust him in my most vulnerable state to have my back. I’ve tried to talk to him about my wishes- he just acts like he half listens. At this point I would rather just do everything by myself. I seriously can’t ha e the stress and it’s not fair to my little girl. (BTW we have been together 5yrs and married one) —-sorry just needed to vent and have unbiased opinions. Thanks for reading if you get this far.