Blind date

I’ve been on dates before and one blind date before. My second time around with a blind date.... I cannot explain the feeling I got out of that night. Back story.... back in June 2017, me and some girlfriends went out to the club. These two guys came up to us and started dancing with us. My friend J danced with one them R and I danced with the other one C. Very attractive guys... they turned out to be marines. We are all 19-20 at the time. So after we planned to do a double date however I was turned off with C because he expected me to make the first move... no way. And he ends up going after my friend J behind his own friend’s back R.

R found out and we all decided that R will just bring someone else. A couple months later When the night came, I had no idea his name or what he looked like. We meet up with them at a hookah bar and my first impression was that he’s kinda short lol and okay looking ... So he’s A. 21 at the time Basically during the entire night we both dates just split and did our own thing. I felt like me and A clicked! He everything he said or does ... felt like I was talking to myself. But obviously I liked him right off the bat. He seemed introverted like me but idk we babbled our lives and childhood and dreams away. The things I don’t found out right away on the first date I did with him. So obviously his personality over shined. We all went to eat and afterwards went to my old high school lol. The entire time J and R made things uncomfortable for me and A becuz they were being sexual and touchy with each other.

So A and I just decided to explore the school. Continued to talk our asses off, about him as a marine and me as a student nurse. Then we acted like kids in the playground. At the end of the night we sat in the car while the love birds in the other car were busy making out. Talked listen to music then we fell asleep. R and J were done finally 5 am!!! Anyways I exchange info with A. Where it went down hill.... he didn’t hit me up. I felt rejected and didn’t understand what happened. Idk why I took it so hard to the point I deleted him off. Obviously that went back to R “what’s her problem” “why couldn’t she hit me up first” and he comes to tell me. I took it hard for months of that situation. Just from that point A sounded he wanted nothing to do with me either becuz I deleted him.

I thought I was over it when I started going out with another guy for a couple months. After our breakup I went back thinking about A again.... what is wrong with me?! My ex was my first boyfriend ever and I experienced relationship issues with him too. He was mature (27) and he was crazy about me but we were on two different paths. And automatically I go back to those feelings I was going through before. Why... please no rude comments I already feel dumb. I do advice though.