The Sex Talk

I am a senior and my boyfriend is graduated and will be leaving for college in August. I have no clue where he's going, but he could be moving about 6 hours away from me. We have talked about college and he still plans to stay together no matter where he goes. I really like him and I don't want to lose him, but I've made a personal decision not to have sex while I'm in high school. I will and have (w/ him) done other stuff, but I don't want to have intercourse until I'm out of high school. Honestly it's pretty hard to not be tempted, but I haven't talked to him about my personal choice yet because I'm afraid it'll scare him off and I don't know how I can bring it up. I need help trying to find a good time or how to not be awkward about it. If you have any advice that'd be awesome!
Thank You!