Friend with benefits


My FWB tends to give me whiplash. He knows I’m not dating anyone but he’ll just throw out there from time to time “oh I heard you have a boyfriend.” Or things like “is there someone else?” I constantly tell him no. He laughs it off. Then there’s times we’re on the phone and he starts talking sexual and it makes me laugh and we just have a good sexy convo. Where as the following day he acts like we’re just friends no sexual activities going on and he acts casual. Then the following day he sitting there telling me I need to be careful and drive correctly. I should behave myself and not touch myself. (NOTE: Hes 35 and I’m 23.)

I told him a mechanic gave me tequila and he wanted to know what shop. when I asked why he said nothing he just wanted to know the name of the shop the guy worked at. Just yesterday he wanted to act like a jerk and talk to me but was very distant. When I asked him if he was mad he said no. I asked him if he was sure he was okay and he said yeah. So I asked for a cigarette he said he wasn’t smoking. Which told me he was upset with me because he’s a real big smoker. That plus he’s told me this lie before the last time he was mad at me.

He was upset because I passed him on the street and I was headed in his direction of where he lived. That was NOT the case. I had an appointment two days in a row with this lady and afterwards I hung out with a friend who lives maybe a couple streets away from him but he was upset about it. So when he asked me if I went in that direction Without thinking I said no. But then he said something and I called him a liar. He sat there and said “I’m the liar? Or you’re the liar?” When I told him what I had actually been doing (the appt. and seeing a friend) he was like “oh ok.” So I asked him if that was okay with him? If that was a problem? He said yeah that was fine and no it wasn’t an issue. So I asked then what’s the problem? He said there was no problem. 🤦🏽‍♀️ so i couldn’t understand what the hell the disagreement was about.

He’s told me before i could call him when I wanted to and he’d answer. I call him every other day because I hate calling him everyday and feeling like a bother. But there are days I won’t call for two days in a row or longer. I felt like a huge pain in the ass one day so I didn’t call him for almost 3 days. ALMOST. He called me that 3rd day and I had told him the truth I had no intentions on calling and talking to him that day. That I didn’t want to talk to him that day. He said “oh” and it made me feel bad so I told him I was joking.