Are these Braxton-Hicks? Someone Please Help!


I’ve been trying to figure this out via Google, <a href="">Nurture</a>, The Bump and asking family! Since about 15 weeks I’ve had an on and off sensation right above my pubic bone about 8 inches wide. It feels like light muscle tension and rolling. They happen throughout the day. I’ve put my hand over my muscle and can NOT feel any tightening/tension. They are not painful at all. It usually happens when I’m moving around a bunch.

I thought it was the baby moving. I asked my doctor who was Incredibly unhelpful and just shrugged and said “maybe BH, maybe the baby. Doesn’t matter. It’s normal.” If it is BH, I want to know so I can monitor them.

Any opinions?? Is it baby or is it Braxton Hicks??? What do “real” BH feel like?? Thanks!!!!