Assault By Parent

Hey Guys, so my mother assaulted me really badly only one time. She choked me, left scratch marks on my face from trying to get my eyes open. She also threw me against the mirror and walls. Not to mention she told me I was he worst mistake and she wished she never had me,she also said I’m a spoiled brat who doesn’t know what respect is, and lots of other things like this. My mom has struggled with getting physical in the past and using belts to spank us and choking us. Long story short I told my dad and my parents got divorced and there was a restraining order filed.I really love my mom, but I only feel that way cause she’s my family and I HAVE to love her. But honestly ever since she’s moved out of my life everything has been going well. She was just a really toxic person. Has anyone else experienced this? How can I determine if I ever want to see my mother again? My life is better without her in it, but I’m not sure if I should cut her out completely. What do you guys recommend? Has anyone experienced this?