Our first baby Kellan was born early at 28 - keep the faith!

UPDATE Y’ALL: Kellan is thriving now! Thank you all for your comments, input and encouragement. He is such a happy baby - 6 lbs 14 ozs.

It felt like we all had a ‘sigh of relief’ coming home. He has been home for 2 weeks now and is acclimating well... aside from not sleeping at night.

Not sure why, but he cannot sleep unless he is laying on my, or my husbands, chest. Back to work next week but my mighty man is going strong. Thank you Glow/<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a> Community!!


Original: Our first baby Kellan was born early at 28.5 weeks due to an inadequate placenta. I was diagnosed with a rare blood clotting disorder that limited my placentas ability to help baby grow. 

He is our little miracle and we take 1 day at a time. He’s our greatest love and strongest fighter!