Terrible and weird dream... tmi

You guys, I’m a vivid dreamer. I had a dream last night that totally weirded me out but it’s too weird to tell anyone I know... so I’m going to tell you.

So, I was doing something... can’t remember what. But suddenly two tampons fall out of me. I’m like... oh crap I left a bunch of tampons up there and now I’ve probably got tss!!

I’m not wearing pants btw.

I look down and my vagina is HUGE!!! It’s literally hanging between my legs, gaping open, and it’s super pale in color. Almost rubbery and completely open. I’m not in pain, just worried that somethings wrong with me. Clearly.

So, I decide to take the train (?) to the doctor but something keeps coming up and it’s taking me forever to get there.

I never make it. I’m stranded, dangling, gaping vagina and all.

Anybody do dream interpretations out there??