We can't agree on Sex. The prude Wife

My husband & I have been married a little over a year & very so often he complains that we only have sex when I want to. I can be a very type A personality at times so often I don't do ANYTHING spontaneously. I'll finish everything I need to do & THENlers have sex if I'm not to tired. In my head it's better that way so I'm not thinking about other stuff. Sometimes I start sex spontaneously but it's few and far between because I'm a prude x 1000 & I know it. 
I over think everything even sex so sometimes I'm not enjoying it as much as I should because I'm worried I look fat, my hairs crazy, etc.... Idk. I'm not necessarily looking for help here b/c I don't know how you all can help me. More just wanted to vent & see if I'm alone. 
Due to all of this we had a fight last night no sex & idk how to be or what to do right now. Even if I wouldn't be late or could get myself in the mood of we had sex now wouldn't this count as on my time????