Married to an FTM but talking about bringing in a 3rd party TTC

My hubby and I have been together for going on 4 years. He’s FTM into his transition for about 3 and a half years. I’ve been struggling for the past 4 months with reaching orgasm despite seeing a sexologist and. Being on medication. My problem I think is that I miss having a penis. My husband and I are very open and discussed this... he said to see if this is truly the problem, perhaps we should bring in a close male friend.

I was married for 10 years in a heterosexual marriage. Only discovered I was pansexual in my early 30’s.

So... we went through with it. And it was great, I had an orgasm and hubby seems comfortable with the arrangement.

Recently my hubby started getting excited at the thought that I might get pregnant out of this little experiment. I tried for years to fall pregnant with my ex husband... clomid , <a href="">IUI</a>, OpK’s, injections. I just didn’t have the funds to continue. I kind of put it out of my mind...

Now that hubby seems excited that I could possibly fall pregnant my head is all over the place. I feel like I was born to be a mom but am too nervous to get my hopes up.

I have friendship feelings with the friend I am currently sleeping with and he has no desire to have a family or even a girlfriend. He’s much older than me... late forties. Hubby says if it happens he doesn’t want this guy to know and we will raise the baby as our own.

What would you guys do?