I love my mother in law but I can’t stand her.


Let me warn you now this is a long one!

So I just delivered my beautiful baby girl on March 23rd.

My husband and I are so in love with her! Well his mother came into town the week before my due date to help out and then she was gonna stay the week of and the week after. I usually love her visits and love visiting them back in Missouri but this trip has been like nails on a chalk board.

My husband didn’t want her staying at a hotel and spending money when we live so close to the hospital. So that being said she stayed with us which is completely fine I totally agree and understand but she wouldn’t let me do anything! I tried cleaning the house to get my water to break and she’d yell at me for doing something saying I need to go sit down or lay down. She would laugh at me constantly every time I tried a remedy to help my water break and just made me feel like shit.

So early in my pregnancy I decided to have her in the delivery room with my mom and my husband considering it’s her first grandchild so I thought why not! I swear to you the entire time I was dilating she would not stop talking about herself and how she had a c-section and that I’ll probably have one; that she was dilated to 14 which doesn’t make sense and how awful it was blah blah blah.

All I wanted to do was relax and breathe through my contractions, my mom was helping me out trying to steady my breathing and she kept laughing at my mom saying how those breathing exercises don’t work and that when she was giving birth her doctor told her this and that and whatever. I FINALLY am dilated to 10 and getting ready to push and the entire time all I hear is fucking coach Boone or something yelling at me to push harder

After about 30 min of yelling and pushing our daughter arrived happy, healthy, and just beautiful and I couldn’t be more in love. Fast forward to a few hours later... we’re settled in enjoying my family’s company because hey I have a big family 3 older sisters and two nieces and my parents. We’re all laughing and taking pictures and my husbands mom is saying how we need to go to sleep and that our visitors need to leave by 8 and totally dictating everything making my family feel like they aren’t wanted.

So she got put in her place and decided to leave and said “well if your family is gonna be here tomorrow I’ll just come by after they leave and get time with my first grandchild.” I smile and told her that’s fine and that we will see her tomorrow. Fast forward again to us being home with our baby...

So we’re finally home and in the comfort of our own bed and able to relax and watch tv well she’s still here! Every little thing I do with my daughter she has to have a damn comment.

I change her diaper “did she pee?” “Did she poop?”

I breastfeed her “are you sure you’re doing it right?” “Did you burp her? Or are you not going too?”

I literally am just holding her on the couch “you’re lucky she’s pretty a lot of people have ugly babies I’d still love her if she was ugly” “I think I’ll call her dolly since she looks like a fake rubber doll”

“Did you clip her nails?”

“She’s trying to eat her hands are you feeding her enough?”

“She’s yellow are you sure she isn’t jaundiced?”

The one thing that really made me mad was when I get back from seeing family and the first thing out of her mouth is

“How’s my baby doing? I’m sorry your baby? Did you push her out of your vagina? Did you have to get painful stitches? Did you carry her for nine months while struggling with hyperemisis? No I did, she is constantly trying to make decisions about my daughter where she’s gonna go to school, how she should be home schooled, how long she gets to come over and see her.

I understand this is her first grandchild but there has to be boundaries and respect here! Am I wrong for feeling this way towards her? The thing is we’re moving out to Missouri for my husbands job and they are about 5 min from us. I honestly don’t think I can stand being around her almost everyday. It’s only been two weeks and I want to claw my eyes out every time she comes over. I do love her don’t get me wrong and I am very thankful for everything she has done but I don’t know how much longer I can take of this. And I don’t want to hurt my husbands feelings cause this is his mother we’re talking about.

Please help! I’ve been very kind and holding my tongue but enough is enough.