cat litter?

Katie • 20 yrs old ☀️ Leonardo 10.16.18 👶🏻💙

I asked this question earlier but, I went to my parents, I don’t live with cats but they have 6. there was cat litter on the ground when I went to take a shower and it was in the shower and on my feet. I tried to wash it out and I used soap on my feet but I’m still worried. I breathed it in too. it got in the shower from the cats tracking it around. I do have a cat that has hunted outside a lot. he’s brought in birds, mice, bunnies, stuff like that. he’s old now and hasn’t for a few months. a few of my cats have done it before but not like that cat. I’m worried cause everyone says it’s the outdoor cats to worry about, and he has been outdoors and hunted a lot. should I be worried? is breathing it and getting it on my feet a reason to be concerned? Sorry I’m just worried about Toxoplasmosis because of him hunting and stuff..