Venting/ wha do I do?

Okay so I’ve been with my baby daddy for 2 years and 6 months now! And we have a beautiful 6 month old baby girl! The thing is that he’s cheated on me before! When I was pregnant and I forgave him! Then he cheated again when my baby was a few months old! Total 4 times ! And now I don’t feel like I can trust him! I’m constantly thinking about who’s he’s texting and everything! And obviously he has a passcode on his phone! He takes his phone everywhere he goes! He said he was going to change and he even cried and everything! I’m a stay at home mom! We live with his parents and sister and they all work so it’s usually just me and my LO home! He never takes us out ! He doesn’t post my daughter or me on his social media! And on his days off when he should be spending it with us resting or taking us out he always finds a way to just leave us home! He will leave early in the Am and come back late and just eat and fall asleep! I don’t know what to do! I want what’s best for my baby and me! And I just know that if I try to leave they will manipulate me and yes when I mean they I mean his mom and sister! Like always! But I forsure know he’s texting other girl and going out with them ! I want to cry and scream! I just want to let all this I’m feeling OUT!!!!!! I love this guy but Iya not the same anymore.