
Hi guys I really need advice my boyfriend and I live together and have been together for 6 years. This morning he took something of mine n I got up tried to get it back n we were playing n tugging over it n all of a sudden he pushes me n starts yelling m cussing at me n so In return I pushed him back and then he grabbed me and started shaking me n threw me on the bed pinned me down n started pushing my head into the bed n I started to scream n he then put his hands over my mouth n began calling me names I kept trying to get him off of me n now under my eye is swollen. Please give me advice idk what to do. N this isn’t the first time but it’s been months since he has put his hands on me. Should I jus try to brush it off since I did push him back n he didn’t hurt me too bad? N if I leave him I won’t be able to move out until Sunday which means I’ll be stuck in the house with him for two days which is plenty of time for him to try to wiggle his way into me forgiving him n not leaving him I’m scared I won’t be able to be strong for two days in the house wit him n not give in. Please give me advice not criticism.