I went into labor on Monday night, March 26th, at 7 pm

I went into labor on Monday night, March 26th, at 7 pm. It was uncomfortable so I tried to sleep. On Tuesday March 27 I had contractions that stopped me in my tracks so I called the obgyn to make an appoitment to get checked out. I went into her office at around 10:45. I was dilated to 4 almost 5 cm so they told me I could have the baby in a few hours. I got admitted to the hospital at 12 pm on the 27, the doctor came in around 4 pm and broke my water. Contractions were unbelievable, I wanted pain meds but thanks to an amazing God and husband I was able to push through them. At around 6:20 pm I felt like I had to use the bathroom and when checked it was time to push. I pushed 4 or 5 times and then our beautiful daughter entered the world at 6:32 pm. A healthy 8 lbs 4 ozs.