Final stretch!

Monica • 🇵🇹J.N.M.V.🕊🇵🇭
37 weeks and a couple of days along and lorrrrrrd, it seems like these last few days are creeping by lol. So far the braxton hicks have been having a party way too often and my back pain is worse (thank Heaven for warm baths) and tmi, but geez, the discharge! It's like someone left the faucet running lol..I noticed it the other night after I went to the bathroom and I decided to use a mirror to see any differences down there. As I sat there, I had clearish liquid coming out and it basically looked like watered down creamy, milky cm. Tons this morning as well, how's everyone else handling it?? And for others, how long did you have this until your baby was here? I'm getting anxious!! 😁