He flipped last minute!!!


LONG POST: ⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Okay I finally found a moment of down time so I can finally share a little bit of our birth story with everyone! All I can say is leave it to me to be the one with the rare occurrences last minute😒

I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks exactly on Thursday(22) morning at 6am. Around midnight Wednesday night I believe I went into labor on my own with some consistent contractions and other symptoms. We still went in at 6am and they started Pitocin(meds that help progress labor) at 7am. At 12:30 they came back in and broke my water and IMMEDIATELY my contractions got intense😣. Kyle was so helpful holding my hand through every one and talking me through them.

I got the epidural at 2pm and my whole pregnancy this is what I was most afraid of. I thought because of my Tourette’s I wouldn’t be able to sit still and end up paralyzed. I was in an overwhelming amount of fear and anxiety but again Kyle was there holding my hand through it all and once it was placed my contractions went away and life was good😎

We constantly had family and friends coming back talking to us and it eased our minds to know we had so much support there for us. From what I heard the waiting room was packed!

This is where it gets intense✋🏼. Around 3pm or 4pm we lost the babies heart on the monitor. Kyle saw it dip and right away the nurse came running in. She turned me side to side propping up my back then turning my over again until finally his heart stabilized and all was good again.

I decided to take a nap and as Kyle was helping me get comfortable we noticed my pillow was soaked. I just thought maybe my back was sweating really really bad lol. A few minutes later I was able to feel my feet and then all the sudden I felt the worst contraction of my life!! We then realized my epidural CAME UNDONE. We called the nurse like “hey my epidural is leaking” and all the sudden her and another nurse and the anesthesiologist came running in yelling for sterile scissors and alcohol wipes and before I knew it they were attacking my neck where the epidural came undone. Apparently it didn’t just come undone the tube broke... they said never in all their years of working had this happened. They didn’t even know this could happen🧐🧐 There was a direct line going to my spinal cord and if anything were to get on that tube and infect it I could get very sick. I was like okay well hopefully that doesn’t happen again bc those contractions hurt.

Finally I was able to take a little bit of a nap and woke up around 5:30pm to my dr coming in telling me it’s time to check me again. I was like sweeet hopefully I’m a 4-5 and can get this thing going. As he was checking me he made a face and immediately I knew something was wrong. He asked if I had an ultrasound done when I came in and I said no and he was like okay we’re going to check something real quick. In my gut I already knew what they were looking for but I didn’t stress myself out so I waited patiently for them to get the machine. Well ultrasound confirmed little guy was breech and before we knew it we were getting prepped for a c section.

The dr thinks when we lost his heart on the monitor was when he changed positions. Of course the whole 9 months he was head down and then the very last minute he changed his mind😒 Kyle went out and informed everyone and after I composed myself (the sudden change of plans got me very upset and also I was worried about everything being ok). I had my family come back and they gave me a little pep talk and off we went!

The c section went smooth but took a little longer than expected and at 6:49pm our little guy entered the world 9lb 2oz 19 inches long

!😳😳 we suspected he would be MAYBE 7lbs being that I didn’t gain much weight and my stomach measured small the entire 9 months. Doc said either way I would have ended up in a c section bc there was no pushing his head out😂

We got back in the room and both Kyle and I got our skin to skin and admired our precious little baby for a minute and finally brought back family and friends to meet him💙 The amount of love we have for him is insane and I would go through it all again for this sweet little boy. I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without Kyle!