Should parents charge their children for living expenses??


Hi everyone!! I recently saw a post on Facebook, I won’t post pics for the privacy of the mother. She posted about how she charges her 9-12 (maybe) year old daughter for living expenses. She charged a dollar for electric, a dollar for water and a dollar for WiFi. The girl had chores she had to complete that she got paid for every Friday and she got bonuses for good grades. She wrote out little withdrawal and deposit slips and got a safe she used as a ‘vault’ at a bank where the girl could take money out for spending and out money in for saving if she wanted to buy something nice. The post goes on and the mother says that she makes her daughter pay for snacks that she wants or special drinks. She takes the money that the girl pays for her ‘bills’ and puts it into a savings account for when her daughter decides to move out or go to college. I personally thought it was a great idea, seeing as the school system failed to teach me all of those things, I never learned it and now I’m paying for it with horrible spending habits and I’m terrible at saving!! One mother was completely against it and said that kids should be kids before getting thrown into finances. I talked to my boyfriend about it and he agreed with me, saying it would be a great learning experience for them and it would teach them responsibility. What do you guys think!? I just want to see all sides of it. I don’t have any children yet but I’d love to do something like this just because I want them to earn the things that they really want. Sorry this is so long, but post your opinions below and feel free to share your chore/allowance ideas!!

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