My mom told on me...

Signe • A 19-year-old, non-binary, Dane, who’ve spent the past 4 years fighting the (unbelievably messed up) psychiatric system. Battling serious mental illness and everything that follows.🧠

Sooo... I’m 16, and lesbian. I’ve known all my life, and I’m proud of it. I came out to my mom a few years ago, my dad last year, and my friends last year also...

I did not tell my sisters, because I felt it would be weird since I’ve known them my entire life, and we’ve been naked together and shit like that, and honestly I was just afraid.

I ordered a shirt a little over a year ago, that says “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not (the “I’m not” in rainbow letters). I love it so much, but anyways.

At the table earlier today, I was wearing it, and my sister says, “But you are straight”, and I told her no, and then she says, “I know”, and I ask her how, and she tells me, our mom told her...

So my question is, do I have the right to be utterly pissed at my mom for telling my sister and who knows who else she’s told?

I feel like she’d find out anyways, and I shouldn’t be mad at my mom, but I can’t help but be angry and sad, since my sister didn’t take it as well as I thought she would.