Olivia’s birth story 😘😘


So, I haven’t really shared my birth story because of all the chaos with her being in the NICU, but I’d like to do that now because things are finally settling down in my mind! (Thank the good Lord!). SO it was Sunday, March 18th, early morning my husband and I decided to DTD. I was 35 weeks and all that last week he was joking that sex would make me have the baby. I told him he’s full of it. 😂😂. After we finish I had mild cramping which I figured was totally normal right?

Well, the girls from my work threw me a little baby shower because they weren’t able to make my actual baby shower the next week. So four hours later at this party, I’m still feeling crampy. I thought wtf? Lol. They weren’t bad, just annoying I guess because I figured they would have been gone by now.

Fast forward to that night, I couldn’t sleep. They still weren’t bad but some of them were to the point where they’d wake me up. So I thought id time them. They were like 8-9 minutes apart so I’m like eh whatever it’s probably nothing but I called the hospital and they said to take a hot shower and drink lots of water because they’re probably Braxton Hicks. Well, okay I did that. Still didn’t go away, maybe got a little lighter I guess.

The next day I had an appointment for an NST. The hospital actually called my doctor and during my NST she came in and wanted to see me afterwards. NST was only measuring mild contractions and I was still laughing and smiling away so I thought eh this won’t be bad if I have to do this for a couple more weeks. (The plan was to induce at 37 due to high BP)

My doctor saw me and said I was dilated to like 2-3 and asked if I wanted to go home or go to hospital. I figured well I’ll go home they’re not bad. Plus she said I won’t be laughing and smiling and I’ll know when I’m in labor. Well I went to the nail salon because i really wanted my nails done for the baby shower and as I was sitting there, INSTANTLY felt pissed off and wanted to leave because I was cramping so bad. NOTHING WAS FUNNY ANYMORE and I knew something was up. (Ps yes I made it through getting my nails did lmao)

I called my husband on the way home who I had to pick up in 4 hours from work. I asked him what I should do 😂 like he knows right lmao. I said well I’ll just lay down for a nap.... couldn’t sleep!! I called my nurse and said “um I can’t walk at this point” she said your doctor says it’s time come on in. I called my husband and said you better be ready I’m coming to get you. My crazy ass drove while in labor to go get him LMAO. Another funny part to this story, he asked if he really thought I was gonna have a baby before 5... so keep reading if you’ve made it this far lol. (Mind you, his work is about 15 mins opposite way from our already 30 min drive to the hospital lol)

We get to triage as I’m uncomfortable and bleeding all over my favorite pants lmao doc checks me and I’m a 4!! I’m like omg I have plenty of time for some meds right?! WRONG. they brought me in my room after what seemed like FOREVER of laying in agony LMAO. They drew my blood put the IV in and at this point I had to pee sooooo freaking bad. They let me get up and go to the toilet and I sat and cried because I couldn’t pee lmao.

I get back into the bed and I suddenly start to push. I COULDNT HELP IT. I told the nurse and she says “let me check you”... your like a 9-10 when your water breaks your having a baby. Mind you doc was with a patient and her plan was to break my water when she was done... not anymore she was on. Her. Way! Lol. Everybody in my face telling me STOP PUSHING, YOU CANT PUSH YET. OMG STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO LMAO. My doctor didn’t even make it to the hospital yet when the nurse said my baby had hair. Lol. Doctor came in and told me to push, 10 seconds later my baby girl fell into my arms. Born Monday, March 19th at 4:51... remember when my husband asked if I was having a baby before 5??? Lmao.

So no meds, no anything. And I beat my moms labor time with me lmao. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. My baby girls name is Olivia Jaylin Harman ❤️😘