My little on has arrived


On March 25th, I was scheduled to be induced. I went in at 8pm and started my cervadil around 10. I was dilated 1cm and a little extra. The following morning I was up to about 2 and a little extra. I then started pitocin and the contractions were pretty bearable. But it was a very slow process. By 5pm I was finally dilated to about 4 and I got my epidural but as I sat up and while I was getting it my water was breaking everywhere. The next hour went by really quickly, I wasn’t in much pain at all and was pretty slap happy from exhaustion. But the hour after my epidural started to wear off so I thought. I could start to feel my contractions no abdominal pain but I could feel my bones tearing apart. Between 9 and 10pm they came and checked me again I was only at 5cm. But as I layed there I felt each contraction getting stronger and stronger (we later find out and believe it’s because the last few hours went by so quickly that it didn’t work). I started getting the urge to push so I called them back and told them and they told me they just checked me and I was a five so nothing would be happening yet, they checked me anyways and I was at 7.5cm. At about 10:50ish, I had a very hard contraction my mother, who was with me for my delivery jumped up and had the nurse check me. I was 9.5cm dilated. So she started out of the room to go to the nurses station (just right outside the room) but before she could even of reached it. We were calling them back in the baby was here. So the nurse comes in with the crew and start getting everything ready. Since I’m a ftm they were telling me I’ll probably push for 30mins to 3 hours probably closer to that 3 hour range. So they told me if I wanted to push during a contraction I could but as soon as they got me in the sterups the baby was crowning. They paged the midwife and I pushed for 13 minutes. At 11:07 my baby boy was born weighing just 6pounds 12 ounces and being 21inches long. I had a mirror placed down below and may I say it was the most amazing thing to watch. I only had some first degree tearing. One in a normal place but my labia also tore side ways in a very strange way that is apparently very uncommon. So they contacted the surgeon to come and see to that, but an hour later the surgeon still wasn’t available so the doctor came in and did it and that for me was the most painful part of my labor. I screamed the entire time that my labia was being sewed back together because by the time they could of numbed it and waited would of been done or just about done so they went ahead without and sedatives.. The doctor, who apparently had terrible bedside manners, was apologizing the entire time and since I was sitting there for an hour after delivery had to manually pull out all the clots that formed as well. So labor was easy for me, but post partum was definetly not. But since he pulled out so many clots I have only bled like I’m on a lite period 👍 which has been very nice. And that is Theodore Christopher’s shortened birth story.