My Baby Boy has arrived!


I went in this morning at 5:30 am to be induced at 39 weeks. We arrived at 5:15 did paperwork and got moved to our room by 6. By 7/7:30 they had my IV in and by 7:45 the nurse started the pitocin. I started to feel contractions pretty quickly (3cm) and my doctor said she was coming to break my water at 8:30 so I decided to get the epidural before then. The Epidural was a lot more painful than I remember but once it kicked in I was happy and loosey goosey. By 9 am my water was broken and I was at a 4. Husband and I just hung out and relaxed until I started to feel some pressure so the nurse checked me at 11 am and I was almost a 10 and ready to push! I started pushing at 11:15 and he was born at 11:39 am! I feel pretty great at the moment but am just waiting for the post partum pain to kick in 😂 I am so thankful for today and feel very blessed. His big sister is in love and we can't wait to all be home together tomorrow ❤