Desperately seeking advice...

When I became pregnant i lost my job at about 5 months. Now we’re getting closer to having the baby and money is getting very tight. At this rate we will burn through our savings by the time our lease is up. We have a dog that we absolutely love and is part of our family.

We have the option of moving in with my parents however that would mean not bringing our dog because my parents have a dog that is very aggressive with other dogs. I tried to give the option of keeping our dog in the basement to separate them which is what we did with our other dog when my mom got remarried.

My mom and sister continue to tell me i have to sacrifice my dog because I’m being selfish. My boyfriend says I’m selfish for contemplating tossing our dog aside. He said he would never get rid of him.

My doggy has nowhere else he could go and I can’t imagine ever living apart from him. 😓 but in order to keep him my boyfriend would have to work 2 jobs and we would be living paycheck to paycheck.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do..

What is more selfish? Am I being selfish?

I have no idea what I am supposed to say or do.