Gender disappointment


So I know this post may be a little controversial, but I want other to know they aren’t alone because I think this is something way more common than is talked about. Since I found out I was pregnant (16w3d) I have felt like I was having a girl. Everyone has actually besides my husband. They all told me that just couldn’t see me with a boy. And I just FELT it. It’s what I imagined having and when looking at nursery ideas and clothing I automatically gravitated toward girl themes and decor. We decided to get an early gender scan (we are not patient people lol) and I thought I was prepared for it to go either way but when the sonogram tech said boy I was crushed. I held it together until we got home and didn’t want my husband to realize how I felt because I thought that made me a bad person. So far I’ve had a complication free pregnancy and a healthy baby. I KNOW I should be happy with that and I really am. But it would be a lie to say I didn’t kind of feel a little let down. He did pick up on my demeanor and I tried explaining that I was thrown off because I was so sure it was a girl and just needed to switch mindsets. Then the tears came. A lot of them. I was so overcome with shock and then that shock led me to feel so badly. Like what kind of mom will I be when i am supposed to be the person to know this baby most and I was so wrong? And what kind of person is disappointed when they find out that their child isn’t the gender they expected? Then I just felt like an awful person for even allowing myself to think this way.

But I want to tell you that if you’re ever in my shoes that IT IS OK. You aren’t a bad person. I know I will love my little guy endlessly and that this doesn’t say what kind of mom I am going to be. It’s also a friendly reminder that if others you know are pregnant, please refrain from saying things like not being able to see them with one gender over another because that’s not now this works. I myself know I have said that before and didn’t think that would affect anyone in the way it has me.

After having a few days to get used to the idea I know it’s going to be fine and my little one will be amazing. I still feel badly that I reacted how I did (pregnancy hormones are no joke and I woke up sick the next morning and know that played a roll) but I know it’s ok. So please don’t beat yourself up if you ever find yourself in the position. You are a good person and will be a wonderful mom despite it. ❤️