My March-May Baby πŸ’™πŸ’™


Since 31 weeks I had been in labor. At first the signs were subtle, I couldn't sleep, I was pacing the floor feeling like something was wrong. My brain kept telling me I needed to go to the hospital, at around 3a.m. I started having contractions and I decided to wait until my mom was taking the kids to school at about 5am, to tell her that I needed to go to the hospital. By the time I got there I was already dialated to a 3. My local hospital only has a level 1 nursery so we were transferred to a hospital 2 hours away. I stayed in the hospital, after my labor stalled with irregular/painful contractions for 2 weeks. At 33 weeks and 6 days they released me and I went home and slept in my bed for the last time. At 34 weeks exactly I was in labor, my bloody show started, and I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes. We go back to the local hospital who informs me that I am now dialated to a 5 and need to be transferred back to the other hospital. I was transferred, and by the time they checked me again I was at a 6 1/2, no

epidural, fucking crawling the bed crying from contractions (I also had the joy of a nurse telling me it wasn't her fault that I was pregnant because I mentioned how much pain I was in). They finally get my epidural in and BOOOOY did I overdose on that. I was hitting my button every 10 minutes, by the time I was pushing I didn't even feel him come out. My son was born on March 25th at 8:52pm weighing 5 pounds 13 ounces and 19 inches long c: He is super healthy but still in the NICU while they up his feedings and get him good and chunky to take home.