Looking for my cycle buddy

Sarah • 28. Married. 5 year old boy. 2 year old boy. Baby girl on the way!

Hi, I'm Sarah Margaret. TTC #2. Had 1 miscarriage (that I know of) Oct 2017. have been TTC for around 7 months now. Just started using OPK last cycle and discovered a positive on day 20 (suspecting I prob O late every cycle). AF just showed on April 1 (unfortunately not a joke) now waiting for another 30-32 days and hopefully she won't show next time. It's been excruciatingly painful to wait, especially after the MC and coming up on my would-have-been due date (May 1). Hubby is unsure of whether to keep trying because of our future plans and the timing etc. so all of the above has me a bit emotional. not to mention, I've been having dreams of a baby every 2nd or 3rd night 😭 torture. Looking for my cycle buddy, someone who can relate a bit to what I'm going thru.